1) Eclipse portable: Eclipse SDK Version: 3.7.2
2) Adobe AIR SDK
I create my project as a General project. Here is the structure I use:
image File FoldercSS File Folder
inc File Folder - javascripts
ProjectName.html (pseudo Index.html)
The must follow items are in red. The other items can really be named whatever you like. To use my external run configurations the project structure has to have the items in red above. The advantage to following this structure is I do not have to create a new external run config for each new project. Here's a "Hello World" project structure to illustrate the above.
When I want to generate a certificate I use the following run configuration:
To build the project as an AIR app for windows, I use the following run configuration:
When using these external run configurations, the most frequent error is caused by not selecting the ProjectName-app.xml file first.
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